Install a Node - Using Red Hat OpenShift

Here you will find instructions for the deployment of nodes on OpenShift using HELM. This implies that it will be executed from a local machine on a remote server. The local machine and the remote server will communicate via helm. 

During the process of node deploying, you will be asked about the network in which you would like to deploy your nodes. In order for your node to get permissioned, you need to complete the permissioning process first. In order to understand better what are the types of networks available and the permissioning processes for each network, please read permissioning process.

Minimum System Requirements

Recommended hardware features for Besu node:

Recommended Hardware

On Mainnet-Omega

On Open ProTestnetOn Legacy ProTestnet (DEPRECATED)


4 vCPUs compute optimized

4 vCPUs compute optimized

2 vCPUs

RAM Memory

16 GB

16 GB

8 GB

Hard Disk

375 GB SSD


250 GB SSD


70,000 IOPS READ 50,000 IOPS WRITE

70,000 IOPS READ 50,000 IOPS WRITE



OpenShift: Cluster.

It is necessary to enable the following network ports in the machine in which we are going to deploy the node:

Besu Node:

  • Port 60606: TCP/UDP – To establish communication p2p between nodes.
  • Port 4545: TCP – To establish RPC communication. This port is used for applications that communicate with the node and may be leaked to the Internet.


  • Port 80: TCP – To establish RPC communication to Gas Model.


Install Kubectl

For this installation we will use Kubectl. It is necessary to install Kubectl on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a kubernetes clusterFollowing the instructions to install kubectl in your local machine.

Install OC

For this installation we will use oc. It is necessary to execute some openshift commands on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on the openshift cluster.

Following the instructions to install oc in your local machine.

Install Helm

For this installation we will use Helm. It is necessary to install helm on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a kubernetes clusterFollowing the instructions to install helm in your local machine.

Clone Repository

To configure and install Besu you must clone this git repository in your local machine.

					$ git clone
$ cd besu-networks/helm/

Node Installation

Preparing installation of a New Node

There are three types of nodes (Bootnode / Validator / Writer) that can be created in the LACChain networks orchestrated by LACNet at this moment.


Variable Values

There are three types of values which corresponde to the four types of nodes: bootnode.yml, validator.ymlwriter.yml. The values ​​you have to set are in the deploy section. These are the following:


  • network: Type Network –  main-net | open-protest-net | protest-net .
  • typenode: Type of Node – writer | validator | bootnode .
  • publicIP: TCP Public IP Ingress.
  • p2p – host: P2P Public IP Egress.
  • p2p – port: P2P PORT – Default (60606).
  • workerName: Name of the node worker where always the pod will be installed.
  • dnsName: Organization domain name (e.g.
  • nodeName: Name you want for your node in the network monitoring tool.
  • nodeEmail: email address you want to register for your node in the network monitoring tool. It’s a good idea to provide the e-mail of the technical contact identified or to be identified in the registration form as part of the on-boarding process.

Note: set Environment variable on values helm at directory /helm/values. type node bootnode file bootnode.yml, validator file validator.yml and write file writer.yml

e.g. set  Environment on helm values   at file  /helm/values/writer.yml. 

Set value to Environment Variable

TCP Public IP Ingress: Generate a static public IP in your cloud provider. Then replace the public ip in the load balance (loadBalancerIP) service manifest. finally update the publicIP environment variable with this IP.

P2P Public IP Egress: Outgoing p2p traffic to synchronize besu nodes. This is the permissioned IP for the network. 

Installation of the project

Since Openshift is using a more secure approach than kubernetes, it is needed to isolate and give permissions to the service account it will be running some blockchain components

					oc new-project lacchain

cat << EOF | oc create -f -
kind: ClusterRole
  name: SecretsRole
- apiGroups: ['']
  resources: ['secrets']
  verbs:     ['get','create']

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user SecretsRole system:serviceaccount:kube-system:persistent-volume-binder

We should need to create as well, another configuration related to the service account running the workload binding to the blockchain network.

					oc create sa sa-lacchain

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z sa-lacchain
cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: SecurityContextConstraints
  name: my-custom-scc
# Privileges
allowPrivilegedContainer: false
# Access Control
  type: RunAsAny
  type: RunAsAny
  type: RunAsAny
  type: RunAsAny
# Capabilities
  - system:serviceaccount:lacchain:sa-lacchain

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user my-custom-scc sa-lacchain

Set up Azure storage account

This step will create a resource group outside of the Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster’s resource group. This resource group will contain the Azure Files shares that are created by Azure Red Hat OpenShift’s dynamic provisioner




az storage account create --name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $AZURE_FILES_RESOURCE_GROUP --kind FileStorage --sku Premium_LRS


Set up Azure storage account

This step will create a resource group outside of the Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster’s resource group. This resource group will contain the Azure Files shares that are created by Azure Red Hat OpenShift’s dynamic provisioner

ARO_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID=$(az aro show -g $ARO_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $CLUSTER --query servicePrincipalProfile.clientId -o tsv)

az role assignment create --role Contributor --scope /subscriptions/<SubscriptionID>/resourceGroups/aro_azure_files --assignee $ARO_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID 


Set ARO cluster permissions

The OpenShift persistent volume binder service account will require the ability to read secrets. Create and assign an OpenShift cluster role to achieve this.

					ARO_API_SERVER=$(az aro list --query "[?contains(name,'$CLUSTER')].[apiserverProfile.url]" -o tsv)

oc login -u kubeadmin -p $(az aro list-credentials -g $ARO_RESOURCE_GROUP -n $CLUSTER --query=kubeadminPassword -o tsv) $ARO_API_SERVER

oc create clusterrole azure-secret-reader \
	--verb=create,get \

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user azure-secret-reader system:serviceaccount:kube-system:persistent-volume-binder

Trident NetApp Operator Setup for Azure NetApp Files

Important Concepts

Persistent Volume Claims are namespaced objects . Mounting RWX/ROX is only possible within the same namespace.

NetApp files must be have a delegated subnet within your ARO Vnet’s and you must assign it to the Microsoft.Netapp/volumes service.

Configure Azure

You must first register the Microsoft.NetApp provider and Create a NetApp account on Azure before you can use Azure NetApp Files.

Register NetApp Files

					$ az provider register --namespace Microsoft.NetApp --wait


Create storage account

Again, for brevity I am using the same RESOURCE_GROUP and Service Principal that the cluster was created with.


					$ az netappfiles account create \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --location $LOCATION \
    --account-name $ANF_ACCOUNT_NAME


Create capacity pool

Creating one pool for now. The common pattern is to expose all three levels with unique pool names respective of each service level.

POOL_SIZE_TiB=2 # Size in Azure CLI needs to be in TiB unit (minimum 2 TiB)
SERVICE_LEVEL="Standard" # Valid values are Standard, Premium and Ultra
					$ az netappfiles pool create \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --location $LOCATION \
    --account-name $ANF_ACCOUNT_NAME \
    --pool-name $POOL_NAME \
    --size $POOL_SIZE_TiB \
    --service-level $SERVICE_LEVEL


Delegate subnet to ARO

Login to azure console, find the subnets for your ARO cluster and click add subnet. We need to call this subnet anf.subnet since that is the name we refer to in later configuration.

Install Trident Operator

Login/Authenticate to ARO

Login to your ARO cluster. You can create a token to login via cli straight from the web gui.

					oc login --token=sha256~abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --server=

Install Trident Operator with helm

Download latest Trident package.

					$ wget

Extract tar.gz into working directory.

					$ tar -xzvf trident-installer-22.04.0.tar.gz

cd into installer

					$ cd trident-installer/helm

Helm install Operator

					$ oc new-project trident
$ helm install trident-operator trident-operator-22.04.0.tgz --namespace trident

Example output from installation:


					cd ..
./tridentctl -n trident version
| 22.04.0        | 22.04.0        |

Note for mac users: take a look at the directory extras/macos/bin to find the proper tridentctl binary for MacOS

Install tridentctl

I put all my cli’s in /usr/local/bin

					$ sudo install tridentctl /usr/local/bin 


example output:

					$ which tridentctl


Create trident backend

FYI – Sample files for review are in sample-input/backends-samples/azure-netapp-files directory from the trident tgz we extracted earlier.

  1. Replace client ID with service principal ID
  2. Replace clientSecret with Service Principal Secret
  3. Replace tenantID with your account tenant ID
  4. Replace subscriptionID with your azure SubscriptionID
  5. Ensure location matches your Azure Region


- In case you don’t have the Service Principal Secret, you can create a new secret within the credentials pane of the service account in AAD/app registrations.

- I have used nfsv3 for basic compatibility. You can remove that line and use NetApp files defaults.

- For further steps you must ensure the Service Principal has the privileges in place. Otherwise you will face an error like this: “error initializing azure-netapp-files SDK client. capacity pool query returned no data; no capacity pools found for storage pool”. One way to avoid this situation is by creating a new custom role (Subscription->IAM->Create a custom role)with all privileges associated in official documentation (netapp for azure ) and associate this new role to the cluster’s service principal.

					$ vi backend.json


Add the following snippet:



					$ tridentctl -n trident create backend -f backend.json


example output:

|          NAME          |   STORAGE DRIVER   |                 UUID                 | STATE  | VOLUMES |
| azurenetappfiles_eb177 | azure-netapp-files | f7f211afe-d7f5-41a5-a356-fa67f25ee96b | online |       0 |

if you get a failure here, you can run to following command to review logs:

					$ tridentctl logs


To view log output that may help steer you in the right direction.

Deploying the new Node

Depending type node you want to deploy, you need execute the following command (this deployment is compalitible only Google Kubernestes Engine GKE):

  • To deploy a Node Writer 

					$ helm install <chart-name>  ./charts/besu-node --namespace  <namespace-name> --create-namespace --values ./values/writer.yml 

  • e.g. deploy Node Writer on Mainnet-Omega network

					  $ helm install lacnet-writer-1 ./charts/besu-node --namespace  lacchain-main-net --create-namespace --values ./values/writer.yml

At the end of the installation, if everything worked a BESU service will be created managed by Systemctl with Running status. Aditional objects created are namespace, service load balancer, configmap, and volume.

Don’t forget to write down your node’s «enode» :

					  $ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_enode","params":[],"id":1}' http://<PUBLIC_IP>:4545



					"result" : "enode://d837cb6dd3880dec8360edfecf49ea7008e50cf3d889d4f75c0eb7d1033ae1b2fb783ad2021458a369db5d68cf8f25f3fb0080e11db238f4964e273bbc77d1ee@"


Don’t forget to write down your node’s «enode». Remember that you need to provide the enode to be permissioned as indicated in the permissioning processAlso as part of the permissioning process, we need you to provide us your node address. Please get it by executing the following:

					$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_coinbase","params":[],"id":53}' http://<PUBLIC_IP>:4545



Node Configuration

Configuring the Besu Node File

The default configuration should work for everyone. However, depending on your needs and technical knowledge you can modify your node’s settings in values folder writer.yml bootnode.yml validator.yml, for RPC access or authentication. Please refer to the reference documentation.

Checking your Connection

Once you have been permissioned, you can check if your node is connected to the network properly. Check that the node has stablished the connections with the peers:

$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_peerCount","params":[],"id":1}' http://<PUBLIC_IP>:4545

You should get a result like this:

Now you can check if the node is syncing blocks by getting the log:

					$ kubectl logs <pod name> -c <container name> -f -n <namespace>
  • e.g. Node Writer on Mainnet-Omega network

You should get something like this:

Node Update

If you need to update the node, try redeploy the besu node: e.g. Node Writer

					 $ helm upgrade <chart-name> ./charts/besu-node --namespace  <namespace-name>  --values ./values/writer.yml 

If any of these two checks doesn’t work, try to restart the besu service: e.g. Node Writer

					$ kubectl delete pod <pod name> -n <namespace>
$ kubectl delete pod besu-node-lacnet-writer-1-0  -n lacchain-main-net

If that doesn’t solve the problem, open a ticket if you already have a membership or contact us at [email protected].


If you find any issue, you can open an issue on Github and contact us at [email protected]. If you already have a membership, you can also open a ticket.

If you find any issue, you can open an issue on Github and contact us at [email protected]. If you already have a membership, you can also open a ticket.

Next Steps

Now that you have installed your writer node, you can follow our guides to deploy smart contracts, deploy private channels(using Ansibleusing Dockers, or using Kubernetes), deploy an IPFS node, and deploy the Hyperledger Firefly stack.


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