
There are two types of Networks orchestrated by LACNet: 

Mainnet Omega and Open ProTestnet have different permissioning processes. If you want to do some local testing before using our networks, you can also deploy a local Node network using our getting started guide.

LACNet Mainnet Omega

The Mainnet Omega is the network recommended for all the initiatives in production. The Mainet Omega is membership-based. Writer nodes are required to pay a small membership to contribute to the legal and technical teams of the non-profit orquestrator LACNet. The Mainnet ensures resilience and accountability via Service Level Agreements called Adscription Contracts between LACNet and any entity operating a node in the Mainnet Omega Network. In order to deploy a nodes and them it permissioned in the Mainnet Omega, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Fill in the registration form on the website
  2. A focal point from LACNet will contact you via email
  3. Verify information with the focal point
  4. Deploy the node (using Ansible or using Kubernetes) and make sure you select the Mainnet Omega during the deployment process
  5. Complete the permissioning form for Mainnet Omega here 

  6. Once the node is permissioned, you will receive a confirmation email and you will be able to operate your node.

In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to write an email to [email protected].

LACNet Open ProTestnet

The Open ProTestnet is the network recommended for testing a solution before jumping into the Mainnet Omega. The Open ProTestnet is free for the first 30 days. Steps for an entity to deploy a node and get it permissioned in the Open ProTestnet, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Read, understand and agree with the Terms and Conditions for Writer Nodes for ProTestnets that includes the Privacy Policy.
  2. Fill the Agreement Form and send it signed to [email protected] and [email protected] (as a PDF).
  3. Deploy the node (using Ansible, using Docker, or using Kubernetes) and make sure you select the make sure you select the Open ProTestnet during the deployment process. After deploying the node, send to [email protected] and [email protected] the enode identifier you get at the end of the process so we can proceed to permission your node.

As a network intending for testing purposes, the ProTestnet does not provides the guarantees that the Mainnet does for initiatives that are registering data in production in the network. In case of any doubt, do not hesitate to write an email to [email protected].

Legacy ProTestnet (DEPRECATED)

This network was deprecated in October 7th, 2022. Those entities that were already using this network will be able to continue using it with the support of LACNet.

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