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Firefly is a complete stack, which provide tools to manage transactions, deploy smart contracts and APIs, and scale secure web3 applications. See the reference documentation here. We have adapted Firefly tools to be deployed on the LACChain Networks orchestrated by LACNet. Before deploying Firefly you need to have already a writer node deployed. You can deploy a writer node using Ansible, using Dockers, and using Kubernetes.
Firefly stack will be executed on docker container using docker-compose. Stack will be executed on another machine, which is different from where your LACChain node is running.
Recommended hardware features for Besu node:
Recommended Hardware |
2 vCPUs |
RAM Memory 8 GB |
Hard Disk 150 GB SSD |
To configure and deploy Firefly, you must clone this git repository on your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd besu-networks/firefly
Docker and Docker-compose installed on machine. Following the instructions to install docker and docker-compose depending on your operating system.
For this part you will need to have nodejs installed. Check whether node is installed on your local computer by running the following command:
$ node --version
If the command does not return a version number, download and install node by following the instructions for the operating system you use on the Node.js website. Node version should be at least v14. Check whether yarn is installed on your local computer by running the following command:
$ yarn --version
If the command does not return a version number, download and install yarn by running the following command:
$ npm install -g yarn
Now download all the necessary dependencies
$ cd besu-networks/firefly
$ yarn install
Now, we are going to generate a private key and a keyFile to send transactions to the LACChain network. To deploy firefly on the Mainnet Omega network, run:
$ node prepareDocker.js --nodeIp= --network=mainnet --nodeAddress=
To deploy firefly on Pro-Testnet network run:
It is not available on pro-testnet
To deploy firefly on David19 network run:
$ node prepareDocker.js --nodeIp= --network=david19 --nodeAddress=
Set your organization and node name in firefly.core file:
$ cd besu-networks/firefly/firefly_core
$ nano firefly.core
Edit firefly.core
Finally, run the containers.
$ docker-compose up -d
Wait for firefly to finish syncing the entire chain to pass next step.
To verify the stack is almost synchronized, you are able to see logs:
$ docker logs -f ethconnect
ethconnect | [2022-06-16T22:38:26.623Z] DEBUG es-65686ba2-29f3-4cd2-4e98-779562a892b5: New checkpoint HWM: 571750
ethconnect | [2022-06-16T22:38:27.769Z] DEBUG sb-8f580449-6288-4ae5-7724-cd84d40f7e14:BatchPin(address,uint256,string,bytes32,bytes32,string,bytes32[]): new filter. Head=571905 Position=571750 Gap=155 (catchup threshold: 250)
New checkpoint HWM: 571750 refers the block 571,750 was synchronized
Execute the following command to register your node identity on smart contract:
curl -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' --data '{}' http://localhost:5000/api/v1/network/organizations/self\?confirm\=true
It could take a few minutes to register your identity. Result of this command should be similar like this:
Execute the following command to init token events:
curl -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' http://localhost:5108/api/v1/init
It is done! Now you can access using these urls:
If you want you can change the configuration values of each component, they are located in the following files:
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