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Truffle is a development environment where you can easily develop smart contracts with its built-in testing framework, smart contract compilation and deployment, interactive console, and many more features. We have created a custom open-source Provider for Truffle to work with the new Gas Model (see the code) to allow you use Truffle in LACChain Networks.
Before deploying your smart contracts in the LACChain Networks, see this overview that explains the minor changes you will need to incorporate to them.
First, let’s install truffle.
npm install -g truffle
truffle version
Now your can create your project folder, which you can name MyDapp.
mkdir MyDapp
cd MyDapp
For this tutorial, we will start from scratch, so we execute the following command in our MyApp directory:
truffle init
This command creates a bare Truffle project. After doing so, you should have the following files and folders:
Before anything else, let’s create a very simple smart contract named MyContract.sol and store it in the contracts folder. All smart contracts you create should be stored there.
Our smart contract will contain code that’s as simple as this:
Basically, our smart contract has a variable named message
, which contains a little message that is initilized as My First Smart Contract
. Also we have two functions that can set or get that variable message
To compile the smart contract, execute the command:
truffle compile
// We will be using Solidity version 0.5.12
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
contract MyContract {
string private message = "My First Smart Contract";
function getMessage() public view returns(string memory) {
return message;
function setMessage(string memory newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;
First, we need to install the truffle gas-model-provider according to Using Hyperledger Besu with Truffle to be able to deploy contracts and send transactiones with truffle:
npm install -g @lacchain/truffle-gas-model-provider
Now, remove «1_initial_migrations.js» file and create a new file in the migrations directory. Create a new file named 1_deploy_contracts.js, and write the following code:
var MyDapp = artifacts.require("MyContract");
const nodeAddress = "0xd00e6624a73f88b39f82ab34e8bf2b4d226fd768" //change this address by your node address
const expiration = 1736394529
module.exports = function(deployer){
deployer.deploy(MyDapp, nodeAddress, expiration);
Next, since [LACChain Networks require to include two parameters(nodeAddress, expiration)](link), it is necessary to add these as parameters to the ABI of the contract. Please, add these two parameters as inputs at constructor function.
"contractName": "MyContract",
"abi": [
"inputs": [
"indexed": true,
"internalType": "address",
"name": "_nodeAddress",
"type": "address"
"indexed": false,
"internalType": "uint256",
"name": "_expiration",
"type": "uint256"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "constructor"
Next, we need to edit the Truffle configuration (truffle-config.js).
To briefly describe the parts that make up the configuration:
Type your private key, network address IP node and RPC port in the networks part:
const GasModelProvider = require("@lacchain/truffle-gas-model-provider");
const privateKey = "";
const privateKeyProvider = new GasModelProvider(privateKey, "http://:", "NODE_ADDRESS", EXPIRATION);
module.exports = {
networks: {
development: {
host: "",
port: 7545,
network_id: "*"
lacchain: {
provider: privateKeyProvider,
network_id: "648530", //change this value by network id
gasPrice: 0
Finally you get the deployment report where you can see the address contract similar to this:
truffle migrate -network lacchain
Finally you get the deployment report where you can see the address contract similar to this:
Deploying 'MyDapp'
transaction hash:0x31d91fa2524953e49cfc4c433ac939b56df8d9371fdde74c56a75634efcf823d
Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
contract address: 0xFA3F403BeC6D3dd2eF9008cf8D21e3CA0FD1B9C4
block number: 4006082
block timestamp: 1574190784
account: 0xbcEda2Ba9aF65c18C7992849C312d1Db77cF008E
balance: 0
gas used: 340697
gas price: 0 gwei
value sent: 0 ETH
total cost: 0 ETH
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