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Below you will find instructions for the deployment of nodes ipfs on Kubernetes using HELM. This implies that it will be executed from a local machine on a remote server. The local machine and the remote server will communicate via helm. The installation with kubernetes manifests is compatible with Google Kubernetes Engine .
Recommended hardware features for IPFS node:
Recommended Hardware | On Mainnet-Omeg |
CPU | 2 vCPUs |
RAM Memory | 2 GB |
Hard Disk | 10 GB SSD |
It is necessary to enable the following network ports in the machine in which we are going to deploy the node:
4001: TCP – Port to establish Communication p2p with other peers.
5001: TCP – API Server.
8080: TCP – Gateway server.
For this installation we will use Kubectl. It is necessary to install Kubectl on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a kubernetes cluster.
Following the instructions to install kubectl in your local machine.
For this installation we will use Helm. It is necessary to install helm on a local machine that will perform the installation of the node on a kubernetes cluster.
Following the instructions to install helm in your local machine.
To configure and install IPFS node, you must clone this git repository in your local machine.
$ git clone
$ cd ipfs/helm/
There are four types of values ipfs.yml.
The values you have to set are in the deploy section. These are the following:
logging: LOGGING – Level logging IPFS (INFO, DEBUG) – default INFO.
publicIP: TCP Public IP Ingress.
You need execute the following command:
Note: This deployment is compalitible only Google Kubernestes Engine GKE
To deploy a Node IPFS
$ helm install ./charts/ipfs-node --namespace --create-namespace --values ./values/ipfs.yml
$ helm install bid ./charts/ipfs-node --namespace lacnet-ipfs --create-namespace --values ./values/ipfs.yml
You can check if your ipfs node is connected to the network LAC_Net.
Check that the node has stablished the connections with the peers:
for Omega MainNet
$ curl http://:8080/ipfs/QmT7doZQU171dk3XmixagjVrT73dj8MP4XXqLj6EBTWyHA
You should get a result like this:
welcome to ipfs LACNet
for Open ProTestNet
$ curl http://:8080/ipfs/QmeLSZuyZK8Gzg5Am2miiPP4vt4cX84aWUeu6uzt96VbXT
You should get a result like this:
welcome to ipfs LACNet (open-protest)
You should get something like this:
Now you can check if the node is runing by getting the log:
$ kubectl logs -f --namespace
if you need to update the node, try redeploy the ipfs node: e.g.
$ helm upgrade ./charts/ipfs-node --namespace --values ./values/ipfs.yml
If any of these two checks doesn’t work, try to restart the ipfs service: e.g.
$ kubectl delete pod -n
If that doesn’t solve the problem, open a ticket if you already have a membership or contact us at [email protected].
For any issues, you can either go to issues or e-mail us at [email protected]. Any feedback is more than welcome!
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