IPFS: Using Ansible

In this guide you will find instructions for the deployment of ipfs nodes using ansible . This implies that it will be executed from a local machine to a remote server. The local machine and the remote server will communicate via ssh. 

The installation with ansible provided is compatible with Ubuntu

Minimum System Requirements

Recommended hardware features for IPFS node:

Recommended HardwareOn Mainnet-Omeg
RAM Memory2 GB
Hard Disk10 GB SSD
  • Host:

It is necessary to enable the following network ports in the machine in which we are going to deploy the ipfs node:

  • IPFS Peers:
    • 4001: TCP – Port to establish Communication p2p with other peers.

    • 5001: TCP – API Server.

    • 8080: TCP – Gateway server.


Install Ansible

For this installation we will use Ansible. It is necessary to install Ansible on a local machine that will perform the installation of the peers on a remote machine.

Following the instructions to install ansible in your local machine.

Clone Repository

To configure and install IPFS node, you must clone this git repository in your local machine.

					$ git clone https://github.com/LACNetNetworks/ipfs.git
$ cd ipfs

Obtain SSH access to your remote machine

Make sure you have SSH access to nodes you’re setting up. This step will vary depending on your context (physical machine, cloud provider, etc.). This document assumes that you are able to log into your remote machine using the following command: ssh remote_user@remote_host.

IPFS Installation

After cloning the repository on the local machine, edit inventory file to add a line for the remote server where you are deploying the new ipfs peers. You can do it with a graphical tool or inside the shell:

					$ cd ipfs/
$ vi inventory
[ipfs]#  depending on type node ---> Change for your IP Node

Deploying the new node

  • To deploy a IPFS peers execute the following command in your local machine. If needed, don’t forget to set the private key with option --private-key and the remote user with option -u
					$ ansible-playbook -i inventory --private-key=~/.ssh/id_rsa -u remote_user site-lacchain-ipfs.yml


You will be asked about which kind of network are you deploying IPFS node LACChain. For instance, if you want to deploy a ipfs node on Mainnet Omega,  then  choose 0 for Mainnet Omega. For  Open ProTestnet choose 1.

Please, choose in which network are you deploying:


Checking your connection

You can check if your IPFS node is connected to the network LACNet.

Check that the node has stablished the connections with the peers:

for Omega MainNet

					$ curl http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmT7doZQU171dk3XmixagjVrT73dj8MP4XXqLj6EBTWyHA

You should get a result like this:

					  welcome to ipfs LACNet

for Open ProtestNet

					$ curl http://localhost:8080/ipfs/QmeLSZuyZK8Gzg5Am2miiPP4vt4cX84aWUeu6uzt96VbXT

You should get a result like this:

					 welcome to ipfs LACNet (open-protest)

If that doesn’t solve the problem, open a ticket if you already have a membership or contact us at [email protected].


For any issues, you can either go to issues or e-mail us at [email protected]. Any feedback is more than welcome!

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