Parametric Insurance

Blockchain-based parametric insurance product tailored for farmers, homeowners and small businesse Blockchain-based parametric insurance product tailored for farmers, homeowners and small businesses, supported by the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD) and Global Parametrics. Payment is made based on a predetermined calculation associated with specific events, rather than based on assessed damages, addressing the […]


Blockchain platform that allows the compensation of CO2 Blockchain platform that allows the compensation of CO2 in the atmosphere through sustainable activities. It measures, validates and tokenizes CO2 reduction, avoidance and sequestration, creating a market between carbon negative actors and carbon positive actors who need to offset their emissions. This solution is democratizing, globalizing and […]

Displaced Carbon Units

Córdoba Argentina Auction Pilot Pilot project for the valuation of greenhouse gas emissions reductions and their subsequent use or compensation by different actors to offset their emissions. The project seeks to set a precedent in the implementation of innovative instruments for the mitigation of emissions at the sub-national level, in the Province of Córdoba by […]

Online Tenders System

SOL – Sistema Online de Licitaçao (Online Tenders System) SOL – Sistema Online de Licitaçao (Online Tenders System). App for decentralized procurement processes for local governments in Brazil. This solution intends to register the procurement process in the blockchain and, as it is focused on local governments, it seeks to encourage local governments to also […]